Thursday, January 22, 2009


I received word this morning that an old friend passed away this Sunday last.

He and I were not very close as far as standard definitions of 'friend' go. I knew him as my former landlord from twenty years past, and he and I had met only three or four times during the ensuing years. Yet, he was one of those rare, genuine individuals with whose acquaintance I feel blessed.

Our ages were separated by a good 40-plus years, our differing experiences as can be imagined. He was a decorated navy commodore, I was a scattered student, then librarian. However, each time we found ourselves in one another's company we would sit with a decent glass of 'What's available', a smoke and brilliant, warming conversation. After our short visits I always felt happy and, somehow, more than I had been.

When I leave my library today, I am going to sit with a glass of 'What's available', a smoke and raise a cheer to my friend. Join me. I believe he was the best kind of friend. He was beyond definition.

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