Monday, January 21, 2008

Priorities ... or Life in Flux

I was email conversing with my fave 'bro today ... one of my brothers. He was telling me that one of my nephews was going to a broom ball competition this coming week, while the other had opted for skiing. I mentioned that I'd take the skiing, too.

Honestly, there's nothing like a ski bunny to warm ... one. However, there's a lot to be said about ... broom ball girls. Hmmm....

Ya, I don't know what's going to happen on the job front. Amongst many others, I'm applying for another position in Ottawa. The Ottawa job is lower pay, bruises my ego a bit, but who knows, right? It would be an economic shift, but TO's a bit too much city for us (me). The restaurants in TO are great, but I can't dig a garden. Quality of life ... priorities.

There's this funny thing going on in my head these days: What's more important? Money or being happy & comfortable? Sure, we're happy and relatively confortable each day in our rented TO digs, but TO smells of sewage & too many peole get shot. I'm sure that if one of us finds a regular gig in Ottawa, we'll be there ASAP. Until then, we continue to watch the house/condo market in TO, watching for a decent investment & return on our lucre. We're in flux ... and the roots really need to go down.

I'm saving up for new computer components: MoBo, CPU, etc. Funny, though: It all comes down to cash flow. Imagine that! Until things sort out, I'm plonking on an antiquated HP 7936 relic that drives me up the wall & back down again. (No love for HP here.) How's your computer working? Have you done any upgrades? Any needed?

I'm looking at a MoBo/CPU combo via Probably, I'll go with an ASUS or Abit (most positive comments, when I've asked), AM2 socket, 5400-6400, 2G+ RAM, etc.... Helping time pass while in the job market.

Any suggestions?

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